corporate informations | manpowergroup greater china-凯发一触即发

> corporate information
> directors and senior management
> prospectus
> announcements and circulars
> financial reports
> corporate presentations
> corporate governance
> investor relations contacts

corporate informations

  • registered office

    po box 309
    ugland house
    grand cayman
    cayman islands

    head office in the prc

    36/f, xin mei union square
    no. 999, pudong road (s)
    pudong district, shanghai

    principal place of business in hong kong

    rooms 2303-04, 9 chong yip street
    kwun tong, kowloon
    hong kong

  • joint company secretaries

    ms. tsui sum yi
    ms. gao xingyue

    authorized representatives

    mr. cui zhihui
    ms. tsui sum yi

    compliance advisor

    orient capital (hong kong) limited

    hong kong share registrar

    principal bankers

    shanghai securities building branch, industrial and commercial bank of china
    the hongkong and shanghai banking corporation limited

    company’s website

